The DM&A archive has been referred to as one of the most important in New England. The archive contains collections relating to 600 families from Dedham dating from the 1600s to the present.

Most of the archival materials have not been digitized and are not represented in this Finding Aid. As Finding Aids are created, they will be added to this database. Please contact the archivist with questions about specific families at [email protected]

In addition to material related to families, the DM&A holds records on industry, organizations, businesses, trades and occupations, buildings, town history, education, genealogical material, deeds, photographs, drawings, maps, broadsides, and more.

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Adams, Ainsworth, Alcocke (Allcock), Allen, Allin, Anderson, Appleton, and Atherton
1670 - 1964, bulk 1800s
1 Box
This collection consists of the papers from the followings families: Adams, Ainsworth, Alcocke, Allen, Allin, Anderson, Appleton, and Atherton.
Amasa Guild
1 Scrapbook
The Amasa Guild Papers from the Civil War contain information about the Civil War, especially the 18th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers. It includes a diary from 1864 as well as records pertaining to the quartermaster corps and military supplies during the same year. There is also a notebook regarding the return of the Massachusetts state flag that was lost at the Second Manassas Battle (Second Bull Run) by the 18th Massachusetts Volunteers Infantry, August 30, 1862. It was discovered in Virginia and returned in 1905. The military records date from 1864 and 1865. The correspondence spans 1900-1905.
Dedham Museum & Archive
9 Document Cases, 3 Flat Boxes
This collection of papers contains materials related to the Ames family including: Captain Nathaniel Ames I, Nathaniel II, Nathaniel III, and Fisher Ames.
Rebecca Carpenter, Archivst, and Bárbara Carrera, Intern
1591 - 1942
5 Boxes
The collection consists of genealogical records, family land grants, and deeds in Dedham, family wills, correspondence, financial records, estate inventories, account books, books on Avery family records, and other family branches.
Baker Family members
1766-1961, bulk 1860s
1 Box
This collection consists of the personal correspondence, probate materials, business dealings, and a personal diary.
Benjamin Holden
I Ledger (117 pages)
This is a typewritten military ledger book of 117 pages copied from the original. It spans the years 1759-1760. Colonel Frye was the Commanding Officer of the Garrison at Fort Cumberland in Nova Scotia. Serving in the military was his career. Benjamin Holden was the officer who wrote the orderly book that details the orders issued at the fort. The ledger contains: lists of the officers and soldiers; instructions to the sentries at Fort Cumberland in 1759; rules and orders of the Spur Guard; orders against pillaging; “irregularities”; care of the sick “providentials”; breaches of order concerning ammunition; details for guards; instructions for liberty; guarding against misuse of ammunition; provisioning; disposition of molasses; discipline, including prohibition against gaming; courts martial; Kings’ work; comments on John Morse’s character; relations with the Indians; rules regarding “spirituous liquors”; mutiny.