Trunk or Treat

DHSM Participates in Trunk or Treat

This is the first year that DHSM has participated in Dedham Square Circle’s annual Trunk or Treat—and it was a great success! More than 1,500 streamed through to see the many trunks decorated for Halloween and enjoy a piece of candy. DHSM’s theme was “making your own history.” DHSM director, Johanna McBrien, brought crafts that her children made many years ago to show attendees that when kids save things they make, they create their own story and their own history. She also brought vintage costumes and one her son had made (to illustrate the same theme+); books such as a first edition of Charlie Brown’s “Great Pumpkin” to show how a fifty+-year-old story is still enjoyed today (i.e., history remains relevant and fun!); and more! All such items were from McBrien’s personal collection. Items from the museum included some of DHSM’s educational materials for candle making, a mortar and pestle, and reproduction Dedham Pottery plate painted with an owl. Though candy was on their minds, there were a lot of kiddos who were truly intrigued and it was wonderful to see them excited to think that things they create are part of history in general, and is their history—McBrien encouraged them to  go forth and make history any way they can!  Many parents said they’ll visit and most have never been to DHSM—this is why we do outreach! Trick or Treat!